Jurnal of Religious Issues

let's save religious destruction by dialogue


Freud and mark have a similar conclusion about religion although they depart from different analyses. Both of them assert that religion is product from religious ideas; do not come from God or gods. Human who make religion, and religion cannot make human.
For them, religion arose not from revelation process, but from conflict in human life or human history. Freud calls as result from conflict between id, ego, and superego. Religion is superego which control ego and repress id. In his analyses, id is deep of human dimension. It drives to sexual activities. Religion demands repression in selfness, control for ego instinct. Thus, just as sexual repression result in and individual obsessional neurosis. So, religious behaviors always resemble illness. The origin of emergence of religion according to Freud can find in the myth of Oedipus complex. That story explain killing story of child to his father because he want to get his mother’s love. Freud uses that analogy Oedipus to assert that the emergence of religion is to accomplish id, or sexual desire.
The center thought of human taught according to Mark are: (1), The conviction that economic realities determine human behavior and (2) the thesis that human history is the story of clash struggle, the scene of perpetual conflict in every society between those own things, usually the reach, and those who must work to survive, usually the poor. Mark argues that religion arouse from the conflict of classes, the wealth and the poor, powerful and powerless, oppressor and oppressed. . History is a great scene of conflict, for Hegel the core of it is alienation. Religion, he says is pure illusion and determined by economic. It begins when human become unauthentic, because he cannot express his unique and talent. In capitalist production human understand as and object apart, other than the natural human expression of my personality for the benefit of community. Religion no more than classes of fail people on material wealth. They not really exist, because their existence grasp to the mode of production, to serve bourgeoisie and capital. They, run to religious life to find their existence, happiness etc. that they cannot reach in their chain of life.
What is the function of conflict? Form argues that the emergence conflict in human being motivated to survive. Everyone needs foods, sex, etc, to fulfill that demand and desire. To fulfill that that desire, everybody must challenges his superego in Freud terms, or superstructure in mark term. Superego and superstructure take a control for human life to fulfill his desire. In Freud, superego is alike structuralized culture or religion, in mark superstructure is sate, ideology, which have power to control human.
Superego and superstructure not only confine, but also give standard of moral and value, whereas it bias because product by bourgeoisie and cultural power. The fact that necessities and end comfort of life in some way must be produced. Everyone connect what call than as relation of production. In this development arise conflict classes, because capitalism produce wealth, for bourgeoisie, and proletariat are always nothing.
If religion is illness for Freud, it means it will lose when human was health. Alike Freud, Mark asserts that religion changes and follows to the development of economic life. Religion, like state, art, moral discourse and certain other intellectual endeavor, it belongs to superstructure of society, and defends on fundamental way on economic base.[]

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