Jurnal of Religious Issues

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Budhism and mystic

Mysticism is the heart of all religious systems, including Buddhism. However, mystical insights always presuppose the existence of god as object of awareness. It is little difficult theoretically applied mysticm in the religion which is no-theist like Buddhism. What kinds of experience experienced by someone if the god is not exist? Is it experience to nirvana can be called as mystical experience, if we assume that nirvana is god. But applied god to nirvana also cannot explained what is mysticism in buddhism. thus, I should go from assumption that there is little different in formulating my understanding about Buddhism mystic.
One keyword of mysticism is claimed of direct attainment to god, by divine intervention, or else by inward contemplation. If one attains mystical insight by divine intervention, it is likely to result in a closed system of thought, meaning a system that claims to possess all the necessary knowledge for proper conduct of life. In Buddhism, the divine intervention to human being called as Jhana. Jhana relates to concept truth, thus it is knowledge. If we related jhana to the divine and knowledge concept will come to one concept of Buddhism that is the concept of knowledge in attain God, beside meditation.
Perhaps, Buddhism did not mention what the object of mysticm is. Budhist mistic stressed to build an awareness of object become truly objects goes from all attachment. The life of monk is like the life of mystic, mostly of them did not aware to worldly matter beside contemplation. In my opinion, there are two kind that is very important in budhism, that are knowledge and awareness.
Stressing to the attainment of knowledge in mystical experience is exemplified by Gautama. He was able within the context of his time to obviate a strictly mystical outlook and recognize the essential role of sensory validation in acquiring knowledge. Buddhist knowledge (Jnana) must be conjoined with seeing (Pasya), for without some kind of sensory validation, one cannot hope to understands the world around us. Thus Buddhism, unlike Western religions, has no need to attack sensory validation or blindly attack reason.
As I know, the goal of Buddhists is to attain enlightenment. By so doing, they experience a total change of personality. The Vinaya has a passage which indicates the dogmatic nature of any form of mystically-acquired "knowledge:" "I have conquered and I know all, I am enlightened quite by myself and have none as teacher.
Knowledge is something that was experience, then formulated, trough and awareness. Knowledge is existence, and not consciousness. But, it will be attained by aware condition. Thus, consciousness is the starting point of knowledge. Consciousness presupposes the existence of an entity, and consciousness, properly understood, is a property of that entity. By placing consciousness rather than existence as the primary fact from which we derive all our knowledge, Buddhism is mystic and irational.[]

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